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Doctor of Social Work: A Salary Guide

Feb 22, 2024

By Anne Gomez

a-doctor-of-social-work-salaryThe reports a growing demand for skilled social workers, with an estimated employment growth of 7% and around 63,800 job openings expected during the 2022-2032 period. The high demand is due to the need for social workers to help prevent child abuse, identify alternative homes for children, help aging populations and their families, and help people seeking treatment for mental illnesses and substance abuse. While social workers, in general, benefit from this demand, individuals with the highest level of education in social work, such as doctors in social work (DSW), can also benefit from a higher salary. 

Join us as we give you a comprehensive understanding of the doctor of social work salary landscape, dissect the various factors that influence these earnings, and explore the highest-paying industries in the social work field. 

What is The Average Salary for a Doctor in Social Work?

While there is no available data comparing salaries for social workers with bachelor's, master's, vs. doctoral degrees, reports that the median annual salary for social workers in general is $55,350. The lowest 10% earn less than $36,600, while the highest 10% earn more than $87,300. However, as a doctor of social work, you can expect a higher earning potential than social workers with a bachelor's degree in social work or those with a master's degree. Moreover, it's important to note that the salary of social work doctors fluctuates depending on various factors.

What Factors Influence a Doctor in Social Work Salary?

what-factors-influence-a-doctor-in-social-work-salaryEducation, experience, industry and role, and location are the key factors that impact the salaries of social workers holding a DSW degree.


In general, individuals with advanced degrees, such as a DSW, command a higher salary compared to those holding a bachelor's or a master's. During your studies to become a doctor in social work, you'll get the chance to develop advanced skills and gain a deeper understanding of the field, leading to higher compensation packages. You'll learn more about social work policy, research, practice, and education, emphasizing social work theory, policy analysis, leadership and management, and advanced research methods. Additionally, your potential salary will depend on the licenses and certifications you possess, which demonstrate your commitment to professional excellence and ethical practice.

Work experience

Professional experience plays a critical role in determining the salary levels for individuals holding a doctorate in social work. As a doctor of social work, the more time you spend in the workforce gaining experience, the more you'll develop a deeper understanding of the complex social work issues and the best practices to solve them. Additionally, as you progress in your career, you may have the opportunity to work in administrative or managerial roles, which will allow you to take on leadership responsibilities and become an invaluable resource for planning and management. This increase in responsibility will typically result in a higher salary to reflect your enhanced contribution and added responsibilities.

Industry and role

As a broad field with a wide range of career opportunities, the industry and role you choose as a doctor of social work can significantly impact your earning potential. Holding a DSW qualifies you for many high-level positions, such as:

  • Administrative leader working in hospitals, health centers, family services and mental health facilities, and welfare agencies
  • Policy leader at the community level or working in government agencies, justice organizations, and welfare agencies
  • Social work educator in colleges and universities.


Geographical location has a significant impact on salary disparities for individuals holding a doctoral degree in social work. This difference in pay is due to the cost of living in each region, with higher-cost states and metropolitan areas generally paying more than those with lower costs. According to data from the , the states with the highest average pay for social workers include Rhode Island, Washington, Oklahoma, the District of Columbia, and Kansas. Similarly, the top-paying metropolitan areas are Santa Rosa, New Haven, Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Providence-Warwick, and Killeen-Temple.

Moreover, the salary levels also depend on the demand for social work services. The states with the highest concentration of jobs and location quotients in social workers are Alaska, Minnesota, Maine, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

What Are the Highest-Paying Industries for a Doctorate In Social Work?

As a doctor in social work, you'll possess advanced expertise and leadership skills, allowing you to fill a gap in the industry. This will enable you to have a higher earning potential in specific sectors. Here are the top industries that offer high-paying opportunities for individuals holding a doctorate in social work. 

1. Healthcare administration

One of the highest-paying sectors for doctorate holders in social work is healthcare administration. DSWs can secure leadership positions in healthcare organizations and steer the overall direction of healthcare facilities, ensuring quality patient care and efficient operations. They can assume clinical director or manager roles, overseeing staff efficiency, compliance with regulatory standards, and financial performance of healthcare facilities. Moreover, they can design and manage programs that address complex social determinants of health, facilitating holistic patient care and community well-being.

2. Government agencies

Another lucrative industry for social work professionals holding a doctorate is government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. In the federal government, social workers can work in the Administration for Children and Families, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and others. In state government agencies, social workers holding a doctorate can work in the Department of Social Services, Department of Health and Human Services, and departments focusing on aging, disability services, and mental health. And lastly, in local government entities, DSWs can work in health departments, county or municipal social services departments, and agencies addressing homelessness and community development. These positions offer diverse opportunities for DSWs to apply their expertise in policy development, program management, and community engagement while making a significant impact on the well-being of individuals and communities and also benefiting from high earnings.

3. Nonprofit organizations

There are several positions in the nonprofit organization industry, especially in the social services and healthcare sectors, that offer competitive salaries for doctors in social work. Some of them include:

  • Nonprofit program director: These social work professionals oversee a charitable organization that offers services to the community, such as shelters or foster care services. Nonprofit program directors cooperate with state and federal regulators, secure funding for the organization, devise organizational policies, etc. 
  • Clinical director: DSWs can also take a clinical director path and oversee clinical operations and regulatory compliance in healthcare organizations. 

4. Private Practice

Private practices can also serve as a high-paying avenue for doctorate holders in social work. DSWs working in private practices have autonomy regarding their schedule, client caseload, and billing rates, allowing them to increase their personal income and tailor their services to meet the needs of a diverse clientele. The high earning potential for DSWs in private practices stems from their specialized training and expertise, which enable them to attract a steady stream of clients seeking their emotional and mental health services. Moreover, as they build a reputation and establish themselves in the community, DSWs may also have the opportunity to expand their practice, hire additional staff, and offer specialized services, further enhancing their earning potential and professional fulfillment.

5. Consulting

As one of the highest-paying industries for DSWs, consulting opportunities allow these professionals to take on roles in advising organizations on social policies, program evaluation, organizational development, and strategic planning. DSWs can assume various consulting roles in the social work field, including becoming policy analysts. By becoming policy analysts, they can analyze the current policies in the field, conduct comprehensive research, and provide recommendations to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to amend existing policies or create new ones based on their expertise and insights.

The Bottom Line

Apart from job stability and various opportunities available, holding a doctorate in social work comes with generous compensation. However,  factors such as location, experience, industry, and education play crucial roles in shaping salary outcomes. Meanwhile, working in healthcare, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, private practices, or consulting, with a DSW degree under your belt, enables you to maximize your earning potential while making meaningful contributions to society. 

As we conclude our exploration of the doctor of social work salary landscape, we hope you feel empowered to explore new career paths in the field or even begin your journey to become a social worker. Obtaining a doctorate degree in social work allows you to choose from a wide selection of potential career paths in social work and allows you to find an area about which you're passionate. and take the first steps toward a fulfilling and prosperous career dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why would someone get a DSW?

Earning a DSW allows graduates to advance in their careers and take on leadership positions in community agencies or provide advanced clinical services in clinical settings. Some might even take on teaching positions in academic settings, including teaching-intensive and large research-intensive universities. 

Is a DSW called Doctor?

After completing a DSW, you'll earn the title Doctor of Social Work. So, you'll be referred to as a "doctor" in professional settings, similar to other doctoral degree holders such as PhDs or MDs. 

Is a doctorate in social work worth it?

A DSW is a worthwhile degree, allowing you to benefit from several advantages, including job stability, numerous job opportunities, and fair compensation. Additionally, earning a DSW opens many doors for leadership or administrative roles in social work, allowing you to advance quickly through the ranks of a given organization. 

Does a DSW require a dissertation?

While the dissertation is typically a requirement for completing a Ph.D. in social work, to earn a DSW, you're not required to do a dissertation. Instead, you'll have to complete a capstone research project on a need in your community or an everyday problem and develop a solution.
