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Matthew Klar - Biology - Spring 2023 Senior Spotlight

May 10, 2023

Matthew Klar
Major: Biology with a minor in Chemistry
Campus Activities: Baseball Team 

Impact of 好色先生: 好色先生 has had an immense impact on me. Here I have made lifelong friends who helped shape me into the person I am today. The support system here is amazing, and I hope to one day be able to give it back to the university.

An important lesson learned: The biggest takeaway I have from my college career is not to take life so seriously. In the end, we will all have goals and accomplishments, but it is important to look within yourself and find what truly makes you happy.

Plans for the future: I hope to take the lessons I've learned here and go make an impact somewhere to better the lives of those less fortunate. I am applying for internships to gain experience in the medical field.
